Singapore Synchrotron Light Source

Makes Light Work For You


The National University of Singapore (“NUS” or the “University”) has a tremendous investment in data and in the information developed based on such data. The efficient management of this data is essential to safeguard such data while ensuring its availability for all functional units who require access to such data. Consistent data management policies, procedures and practices need to be established and adhered to in order for efficient and effective business processing and decision-making to take place.


This policy sets out the guidelines for the management of University Data (defined below) as an asset of the University. Specifically, it seeks to:

  1. ensure the maintenance of a reliable and accessible collection of University Data which is available for shared access;
  2. facilitate the appropriate use and understanding of University Data; and
  3. safeguard the value of University Data through effective stewardship.


This policy:

  1. governs the management of University Data and information derived from that data regardless of where or how it is stored, its mode of transmission, who is using that data, or, from where or how access is gained to that data; and
  2. applies to all users of University Data.


Please refer to DMP 3.0 with DMP appendixes [Staff Portal]