XDD beam line and its experimental station are designed for a general purpose of diffractometry, fluorescence detection and absorption spectroscopy, which will serve the research and development with structural determination, characterization and process monitoring in universities, institutes and industry in Singapore and the region. Following applications are proposed:
- High-resolution diffraction (HR-XRD): to determine precisely structure parameter, minute strain status, composition, thickness, surface/interface roughness and texture/stress analysis;
- Grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction (GI-XRD), X-ray reflectometry (XRR) and diffuse scattering: to determine surface and interface structure /ordering, surface phase identification/transition, layer thickness and density;
- Powder diffraction: structure determination and refinement, phase identification in quality and quantity, lattice-parameter determination, crystal grain size & texture/stress analysis;
- Fluorescence: element analysis, X-ray standing wave;
- Absorption spectroscopy: XAFS (X-ray absorption fine structure);
- X-ray diffraction topography.
Spectrum (phs/s/mradH/500mA/0.1%BW) of Helios 2:
Source parameters (port 1): δx=1.45 mm, δy=0.33 mm, δx’=1.49 mrad, δy’=0.16 mrad, 2.3–10 keV available.

Fig. 1. Radiating spectrum from the Helios 2 and absorbed spectrum for XDD beamline, Beryllium thickness 160 μm in the end-window of the beamline. The flux density at 8.048 keV is about 20 times of that from a rotating-anode 90KW X-ray generator and about 1000 time of a conventional 1.6 KW X-ray generator.