Singapore Synchrotron Light Source
Makes Light Work For You
SUV: Soft X-ray – ultraviolet
Contact person: Dr. Andrivo RUSYDI (PI) (phyandri
Contact person: Dr. Diao Caozheng (
Contact person: Dr. Pranab Kumar Das (
Contact person: Userdesk (
The Soft X-ray – ultraviolet (SUV) beamline is a state-of-the-art beamline producing photons with selective polarizations. i.e. linear and circular polarized light. It covers the photon energy range from soft X-ray to ultraviolet, which can be used for various advanced optical, spectroscopy and scattering measurements. It consists of three main end stations for: (1) state-of-the-art 5-circle resonant soft X-ray scattering, (2) high-resolution spin and angular resolved photoemission spectroscopy, and (3) in-situ growth pulse laser deposition molecular beam epitaxy. This integrated characterization-and-growth facility aims to study and distinguish the interplay between spin, charge, orbital and lattice degrees of freedom of advanced materials from solid state physics to biological systems, with various forms, e.g. nanoparticle, ultrathin film to bulk.
Beamline parameters
Beamline type VUV and Soft X-ray beamline Energy range 3.5 – 1500 eV Monochromator VLS-PGM, deviation angle 140-176.3º Calculated flux (0.7 GeV, 300 mA) > ~1010 photons/s (E/ΔE=1000) @1000 eV Resolution > 104 (E/ΔE) @100eV, 10 µm slit widths Spot size at sample 2 x 0.2 mm2 Δq-resolution ~10-3 Å-1 (vertical diffraction geometry) Special notes Polarization is user selectable, linear polarization>95%, circular polarization>80%
Experimental techniques and capabilities:
- Resonant soft X-ray and magnetic scattering (RSXMS) on various samples, from ultrathin film, nanoparticle to bulk.
- Spectroscopic ellipsometry and reflectivity from soft X-ray to ultraviolet
- UV-VUV Photoluminescence
- Optical magnetic circular dichroism (OMCD)
- Near edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (NEXAS)
- Soft X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (SXMCD)
- X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS)
- Ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS)
- (Laser) Spin- and Angular-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (Spin-ARPES)
- Thin film growth
Examples of Scientific Discoveries and Future Plans
Principle Investigator (PI) and Beamline Team
Andrivo RUSYDI (PI)
Mark BREESE (SSLS, Director) Venky VENKATESAN (NUSNNI, Director) H. CASTRO NETO (CA2DM & GRC, Director)
National University of Singapore - Deputy President (Research and Technology).Singapore National Research Foundation under its Competitive Research Funding Programmes.Singapore National Research Foundation under its Medium Sized Centre Programme of Graphene Research Center and Center for Advanced 2D Materials.Singapore Ministry of Education.National University of Singapore Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Institute.Singapore Synchrotron Light Source.PHC-Merlion Project.DESY and Center for Free Electron Laser.