Singapore Synchrotron Light Source
Makes Light Work For You
XDD : X-ray Development and Demonstration
Contact person: Dr. Yang Ping (slsyangp
Contact person: Userdesk (slsuserdesk

• Diffractometry
• Reflectometry
• Diffuse Scattering
• Topography
• Fluorescence Analysis
• Absorption Spectroscopy
Spectrum range: (phs/s/mradH/500mA/0.1%BW) | |
Source parameters: | σx=1.45 mm, σy=0.33 mm |
σx'=1.49 mrad, σy'=0.16 mrad |

X-ray fluorescence detecting system: XR-100R Si diode detector and MCA8000A multi-channel analyzer, AMPTEK Inc. Energy resolution: 215 eV@5.9 keV. |
Propopsed beamline optical parameters: |
Optical element |
Bent conical collimating-mirror* |
Channel-cut-monochromator |
Bent conical refocusing-mirror* |
Pt coated qc=0.466°@10 keV rin=94.8 mm rout=100.3 mm rmeridional=1475.5 m |
Si (111) |
Pt coated, qc=0.466°@10 keV (reverse use of the 1st mirror) rin=100.3 mm rout=94.8 mm rmeridional=1475.5 m |
Photon energy |
Up to 10 keV. |
2.3-10 (13.74) keV. (mono) or white beam |
2.3-10 keV. |
Energy resolution |
DE/E~2.0-73x10-4 on divergence |
Beam size & flux |
40x6.0 mm2 max. at mono; 49x9.0 mm2 max. at sample, (11x6 mm2, 5x109 phs/s@8 keV for 1 mrad, DE/E~2.2x10-3at sample), unfocused |
3.1x.8 mm2 at sample, FWHM, 5.6x1010 phs/s@8 keV, focused |
Distance |
6 m from source |
8.15 m from source (no mirror) |
6 m to sample |
Horizontal acceptance |
10 mrad. on average |
4.9 mrad. |
10 mrad. on average |
* Courtesy Prof
Nomura Masaharu |
XDD beam line and its experimental station are designed for a general purpose of diffractometry, fluorescence detection and absorption spectroscopy, which will serve the research, characterization and process monitoring in universities, institutes and industry in
High-resolution diffraction: for precise structure parameter, minute strain status, composition, thickness, surface/interface roughness and texture/stress analysis;
Powder diffraction: for structure determination and refinement, phase identification in quality and quantity, lattice-parameter determination, crystal grain size & texture/stress analysis.
Grazing-incidence-diffraction, reflectometry and diffuse scattering: for surface and interface structure /ordering, surface phase identification/transition;
Fluorescence: for element analysis, x-ray standing wave;
Absorption spectroscopy: XAFS, L-edges of elements especially.
Besides, X-ray diffraction topography has been taken.
Diffractometer: Huber 4-circle system
Specifications of goniometer | |||
Range |
Precision (step-size) |
Repeatability | |
ω |
0-360° (without accessory) |
0.0001° |
+/-0.0005° |
2θ |
0-360° (without accessory) |
0.0001° |
+/-0.0005° |
χ |
-3-+93° |
0.0001° |
+/-0.001° |
φ |
0-360° |
0.0005° |
+/-0.0005° |
X,Y table |
0-150 mm |
0.001 mm |
+/-0.001 mm |
Z-table |
0-10 mm |
0.001 mm |
+/-0.001 mm |