Singapore Synchrotron Light Source

Makes Light Work For You

XAFCA: X-ray Absorption Fine structure for catalysis

Contact person: Dr. Armando Borgna (
Contact person: Dr. Du Yonghua (
Contact person: Userdesk (

XAFCA is a facility set up by at Institute of Chemical & Engineering Sciences (ICES) and Singapore Synchrotron Light Source (SSLS) to perform advanced X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) research on catalysis, materials science and related disciplines. XAFCA facility will be set up in September, 2011.


Conventional XAFS experiments: Transmission XAFS and fluorescence XAFS. XAFCA provides a wide energy range of 1.2 -12.8 keV which covers the absorption edges of the main elements relevant to catalysis research and other disciplines; from Mg K edge (1.3 keV) to Pt LIII edge (11.564 keV), including Mg, Al, Ti, V, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Ru, Rh, Pd, Pt, Re, Ir, Ga, Cd, In, Sb, Te, Ge, etc.

Catalysis study: XAFCA is optimized to perform XAFS measurements over the range of elements of premier importance for chemical, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical industries. A special reaction cell, which can support a pressure range of 1 - 30 bar and a temperature range of 200 - 1000 K, meets the requirements of most catalysis XAFS experiments.

In situ XAFS: XAFCA provides a wide energy range of 4 - 1000 K which can meet the requirement of most in situ XAFS experiments.

Gracing incident XAFS: XAFCA has sufficient hardware support for GIXAFS experiments.

Fluorescence analysis: conventional XRF and mapping can be done.

XRD and in situ XRD experiments are supposed to be realized in the future.

Beamline parameters:

Parameter Value
Energy range 1.2 – 12.8 keV
Temperature range 4 – 1000 K
Flux ~ 2.3×1010 @ 8 Kev
Resolution ~ 3.8×10-4@ 8 Kev
Beam size at sample ~ 1.8 (H) x 0.5 (V) mm2(FWHM)
Beam height at sample ~ 1262 mm
Beamline length 16600 mm


Beamline Layout:

CM: Collimating Mirror
DCM: Double Crystal Monochromator
FM: Focusing Mirror
