Singapore Synchrotron Light Source

Makes Light Work For You

PCIT: Phase Contrast Imaging and Tomography

Contact person: Dr. Krzysztof Banas (
Contact person: Userdesk (

X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) method is widely used to measure the elemental composition of materials. Atoms in the sample are excited and emit characteristic X-ray photons.

Schematic of the X-ray Fluorescence experiment

Experimental setup used for X-ray Fluorescence experiment

Detector Amptek XR 100 CR Si-PIN Photodiode
Detector size 7 mm2
Silicon thickness 300 µm
Energy Resolution 215 eV FWHM @ 5.9 keV
Background Counts <3 x 10-3/s, 2 keV to 150 keV for 7 mm2/300 µm detector
Detector Be window thickness 0.5 mil (12.5 µm)
Power supply and amplifier Amptek PX2T/CR


How do the x-ray spectra look?


Typical X-Ray fluorescence spectrum


XRF features:

♦instrumental analytical technique -multi-element capability,
♦elemental analysis of solids and liquids,
♦minimal sample treatment,
♦concentration range: ppm to %,
♦element range: from S to Se (K-lines) and from Mo to Bi (L-lines).


XRF application areas:

♦materials research,
♦geology and geochemistry,
♦environmental analysis,
♦mining and exploration,
♦industrial process control (metallurgy, cement, glass, industry),
♦forensic science,

Element range
